
【共催イベント】2019年度 2nd TINDAS Special Seminar

【共催イベント】2019年度 2nd TINDAS Special Seminar


India, China, and the Failure of the Asian Relations Conference

Feb. 14th(Fri.), 2020 17:00-19:00
東京大学駒場キャンパス 18号館 4階 コラボレーションルーム
Collaboration Room, 4th Floor, The building No.18,
Komaba Campus, the University of Tokyo

Speaker : Tansen Sen(NYU Shanghai)

Abstract : The Asian Relations Conference held in 1947 emerged from the discourse of pan-Asianism that became popular in the early twentieth century. Despite the fact that Japanese imperialism in the 1920s and 1930s had rendered the notion of “one Asia” unrealistic, Jawaharlal Nehru, then the head of the interim Indian government, attempted to connect the decolonized/decolonizing states of Asia (and Africa) through, what he perceived as, a common cultural heritage. The dispute between the interim government of India and the Guomindang regime in China over the status of Tibet at the Conference revealed that the ideals of pan-Asianism bonding did not tally with the territorial and nationalist concerns of Asian polities. Especially during the early stages of decolonization what seemed paramount to these emerging Asian nation-states was not the historical cultural affinities between them but the process of territorial reclamation and integration. This presentation will contend that the dispute over the status Tibet at the Asian Relations Conference not only rendered the meeting a failure, but also marked the beginning of mutual distrust and suspicion over territorial claims and expansion between India and China. It will also argue that the Conference resulted in the mistrust of Jawaharlal Nehru among the Nationalist and Communist leaders of China and shaped the subsequent six decades of India-China relations.

Discussants : Tsuyoshi Ishii(The University of Tokyo), David Lowe(Daekin University)