
History and Theory of Common Spaces: The Second Symposium of the Room and Space Research Group

History and Theory of Common Spaces: The Second Symposium of the Room and Space Research Group

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Title: History and Theory of Common Spaces: The Second Symposium of the Room and Space Research Group

Host: East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA)

Date: March 9, 2023, 15:00-18:00

Venue: Online (Zoom)

    Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo (EAA members only)

Language: English, Japanese

Speaker: Chouli Pei (UT), James Thurgill (UT), Mai Kataoka (EAA), Muyun Wang (EAA), Naoki Umemura (Hokkaido University), Yuki Tanaka (UT)


Recently, the East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA) has been focusing on the “valuation of air.” Specifically, in order to create a comfortable atmosphere that fosters positivity and optimism among people, we require a suitable space. In this regard, the “Shoin” that the EAA envisions is an ideal space in which teachers and students think and act together. However, this raises the following question: How can the “Shoin” exist at the university level?

Common spaces are those that are managed by the people who live/work there, which is unlike public spaces that are managed by the national/local government. To date, the Room and Space Research Group has explored how people in general, and architects in particular, have realized their hope in their spaces and designs based on the history and theory of common spaces. In this symposium, regardless of whether it is ancient or modern, or East or West, various people’s attempts to build common spaces will be considered from the standpoint of each specialist. Through this discussion, we hope to gain a better understanding of how different people consider such spaces in society and form attachments to certain characteristics.