"Headless Sovereignty. On Ko Murobushi's Freedom" Date 17:00-19:00, Wed, March 1, 2023 Venue Ko Murobushi Archive Cafe Shy more
Registration required Registration required Lecture Series “Eastern Aesthetics as a Field in Progress” The third session Instantiation and individuation in Buddhist scripture translation A cross-comparison of the Sanskrit ST and English and Chinese TTs of the Heart Sutra more
Registration required Registration required EAA/Tobunken(IASA) Seminar "Tōshōgū as a Source of Sacred Legitimacy: Festivals of the Gosanke in Tokugawa Japan" Date & Time Thursday, March 9, 2023, 13:00-14:30(JST) Venue Zoom Language English more
Registration required Registration required History and Theory of Common Spaces: The Second Symposium of the Room and Space Research Group Date March 9, 2023, 15:00-18:00(JST) Venue Online (Zoom) Language English, Japanese more