
Eros Unbound. Modal Ontology and the Alteration of the World.

Eros Unbound. Modal Ontology and the Alteration of the World.

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Date: Thursday, December 5, 2024
Time: 18:00 – 20:00 (JST)
Venue : EAA Seminar Room (Room 11, Building 101, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo.)
Language: English
Organized by: East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, the University of Tokyo (EAA)

 Kobayashi Yasuo (UTokyo Prof. Emer.)
 Boyan Manchev (New Bulgarian University)
 Boyan Manchev (New Bulgarian University)
 Hoshino Futoshi (University of Tokyo / EAA)
 Kokubun Koichiro (University of Tokyo / EAA)
 Nishiyama Yuji (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Facilitator: Viktoriya Nikolova (University of Tokyo)


 In his lecture, Boyan Manchev will present the latest development of his project for modal ontology, proposed a quarter of a century ago. The book The Alteration of the World (2009), which recently appeared in Japanese translation (横田祐美子・井岡詩子訳『世界の他化——ラディカルな美学のために』法政大学出版局、2020), occupies a pivotal place in this project, further expanded in Manchevs monographs The New Athanor. Principles of Philosophical Fantastic (2019) and World and Freedom. Transcendental Philosophy and Modal Ontology (2023, monograph summary available here). Modal Ontology will be set in the context of the revival of ontological projects in the new century, a revival which it largely precedes.