EAA グローバル・レクチャー・シリーズは、複数の文化・言語・分野との接触・交わりを通して様々な問いを探究してきた研究者を世界各地から招き、ゲストが今、何を問うのかをテーマにした講義シリーズです。分野の枠組みを超えた多様なアプローチとの出会い、国際的な知の交流、英語で学び、語り合う機会を渇望する学生たちの参加を大いに歓迎いたします。
Guest speaker: Dr. Shuangyu Li (Senior Lecturer in Clinical Communication and Cultural Competence at GKT School of Medical Education, King’s College London)
Moderator: Dr. Mai Kataoka (Project Research Fellow, EAA UTokyo)
Date and time: 5 October 2021, 5:00 pm JST (9:00 am BST)
Format: One hour lecture followed by discussion and Q&A (on Zoom)
Language: English
Open to: All students studying at University of Tokyo and Peking University
Registration: To join this event, please register to attend.
About the lecture
The lecture will open with an introduction to my current roles at the School of Medical Education. This will be followed by a brief overview of my atypical journey from a conference interpreter to becoming a social linguist and then a medical educationist. I will then talk about my research on interpreter-mediated medical consultations using interactive analysis; and how research can be translated into medical education.
For years, interpreting studies in healthcare have focused on professional interpreters and how to improve their performance. Useful guidelines have been composed for professional interpreter training. However, the lack of attention to how clinicians and patients interact in the conversation limits these guidelines’ influence on the clinical outcomes. In the last few years, I have been working with a group of European collaborators to explore a more dynamic interactive analysis, which sees interpreter-mediated medical consultations as collaborative and co-constructed communicative events. We argue that an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, interpreters, scientists and patients is required in order to gain a true understanding of the complexity of this kind of consultations. In this talk, I will share some research results from two studies to illustrate how talk-in-interaction is coupled with bodily oriented gestures to help interlocutors to make sense for and of one another. I will then invite participants to discuss how the study may inform training for clinicians who need to work with interpreters; and how an interdisciplinary team can contribute to the study. My talk will end by discussing the limitations of these studies, which were based in primary care. More research is needed to explore the situation in other healthcare contexts. More affords should be made for translational research to ensure research can inform training for both clinicians and professional interpreters.
About the speaker
Shuangyu Li is senior lecturer in clinical communication and cultural competence, and co-director of King’s Cultural Competence Institute. Shuangyu is a trained conversation analyst, who researches clinical consultations with language and cultural discordance. His current research interest is in multimodal approach in interactional analysis of equality and diversity, particularly around inclusion and empowerment. He is a dedicated medical educationist, who has led the design and delivery of several substantial modules in the undergraduate medical curriculum, and the MA in Clinical Education. In his role as lead for Development, Diversity and Inclusion at Centre for Education, Shuangyu is devoted to improving the equality and inclusion among students and staff. Externally he is chair of the SIG on Language and Cultural Discordance in Healthcare Communication in the International Association of Healthcare Communication (EACH). He is also vice-chair of the UK Diversity in Medicine and Health.
Latest publications:
Body-oriented gestures as a practitioner’s window into interpreted communication
Gerwing, J. & Li, S., Jul 2019, In: Social Science & Medicine. 233, p. 171-180
Interaction—a missing piece of the jigsaw in interpreter-mediated medical consultation models
Li, S., Gerwing, J., Krystallidou, D., Rowlands, A., Cox, A. & Pype, P., 1 May 2017, In: Patient Education and Counseling.
Nine Types of Turn-taking in Interpreter-mediated GP Consultations
Li, S., 27 Feb 2015, In: Applied Linguistics Review. 6, 1, p. 73-96
*Next EAA Global Lecture is scheduled to take place in the early December 2021.
For event enquiries, please contact m.kataoka[at]eaa.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Organised by East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA) and Go Global Gateway (GGG), the University of Tokyo